Defining Your Business
Professional Demeanor
Demeanor involves your manner and your nonverbal
emotional tone. You may or may not be conscious of the overall
emotional undertone that you are exuding.
I smile when I want to look professional? Smiles can indicate a
friendly, approachable, pleasant person. However, if a smile is
too big and lasts for
too long, when first meeting someone or entering a meeting, it
can say that you're feeling nervous (or that you're a little
goofy). Or others may also think that you are insincere or worse
yet, that you're making fun of them.
Genuine smiles are almost
always empowering. Professionalism and an overly serious manner
are not one and the same. Nor is
professionalism staid and boring. Highly professional people
smile appropriately and they command respect. If you have trouble
smiling or appearing approachable in a professional setting,
try keeping your mouth open, just a little - not gaping - just
lips slightly parted. This expression communicates that you
have an open mind. Pursed, tight lips communicate a closed mind
as arms crossed do. And a tightly closed mouth signals an angry
or self-righteous individual.