Defining Your Business
Power Colors
- Power colors are rich, dark tones of
black, blue, green, red, and brown*.
- Black and navy are the
best power colors for business because they have an air of authority.
- Light colors can be powerful
when they are used in monochromatic outfits - all garments in
the same color or
varying shades
of the same hue .
- Bright colors go a long way when dressing
for business. Use them in small doses. A lot of color and
many different colors
at one time lower your professionalism. Wear color, but don't
go so far that you are clowning around with your success.
- Color
blocking on garments and accessories undermine a
businesslike statement. Large or small color-blocking designs
(i.e. one
block in red, one in blue, one in brown, etc.) are distracting
to the
eye and thus inhibit good communication.