To succeed in any field, an image that
is credible or congruent with what you do is important... you
should communicate through your image that you are believable
for the business you are in.

Claudia is an interior designer. She was unaware that, consciously
and unconsciously, people check out how she dresses to see if
they are interested in hiring her to decorate their homes or
offices. Her plain, dowdy image conveys no clues that she is
a talented designer with an exceptional aptitude for color schemes,
textures and architectural lines.
For credibility, Claudia needs
to embody the same sophisticated flair that she can bestow upon
a room. While Claudia’s
jacket is still a floral, it has rich pizzazz... a classic jacket
in silk jacquard with red, olive, and brown highlights. The brick
red silk blouse is an unusual yet smashing choice. Her overall
image is now intriguing and demonstrates her extraordinary capabilities
as a designer.
Soon after Claudia’s makeover, another designer
(one that was too ill to work) referred her to a doctor’s
group that was redecorating. In the elevator after that appointment,
attorneys asked her to take a look at their suite. They were
so impressed with her professionalism and her design work that
they introduced her to their friend, a well-established architect.
Claudia has been exceptionally busy from referral business ever
since and is now looking for a second assistant.

Learn more about how Empowerment
Enterprises can help with your business image! Contact Sherry Maysonave (512)306-0178 |