What is Business Presence?
powerful business presence exudes high-level professionalism in
attire, posture, conduct, and verbal skills as well as displaying
confidence, leadership, and personal power in a businesslike manner.
A powerful business presence conveys on the nonverbal level: "I
am intelligent; I have choices; I am resourceful; I can be authoritative,
easily managing and inspiring other people; and I am capable of
handling any business situation in this field, including conflict
and curve balls."
the components of business presence, and learn how to use them to
your advantage:
- Attire - all aspects
of your clothing selections, including accessories such as shoes,
jewelry, eye-glasses, etc.
- Hair - style,
color, condition, length
- Grooming - overall
cleanliness, and personal presentation, including fragrances
and abuse
- Posture - confidence
in the way you hold yourself
- Demeanor -
and body language
- Business Accessories -such as briefcases, pens, technology tools, etc.
- Communication Skills -
articulation, eye contact, and effective listening
- Etiquette Skills - the right handshake, business protocols, and courtesies